Showing posts with label DELEGATES IN C#. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DELEGATES IN C#. Show all posts

13 May 2013

Delegates in C#

Delegates in C#

-Delegates are just function pointers, That is, they hold references to functions.

A Delegate is a class. When you create an instance of it, you pass in the function name (as a parameter for the delegate's constructor) to which this delegate will refer.

Use a delegate when
- An eventing design pattern is used.
Easy composition is desired.
It is desirable to encapsulate a static method.

Every delegate has a signature. For example:
Delegate int SomeDelegate(string s, bool b);

is a delegate declaration. When I say this delegate has a signature, I mean that it returns an int type and takes two parameters of type string and bool.

Consider the following function:

private int SomeFunction(string str, bool bln){...}
You can pass this function to SomeDelegate's constructor, because of their similar signatures.

SomeDelegate sd = new SomeDelegate(SomeFunction);

Now, sd refers to SomeFunction, in other words, SomeFunction is registered to sd. If you call sd, SomeFunction will be invoked. Keep in mind what I mean by registered functions. Later, we will refer to registered functions.

sd("somestring", true);

4 December 2010



A delegate type represents references to methods with a particular parameter list and return type.
Delegates make it possible to treat methods as entities that can be assigned to variables and passed as parameters.
Delegates are similar to the concept of function pointers found in some other languages, but unlike function pointers, delegates are object-oriented and type-safe.
The following example declares and uses a delegate type named Function.

using System;
delegate double Function(double x);

class Multiplier
double factor;
public Multiplier(double factor) {
this.factor = factor;
public double Multiply(double x) {
return x * factor;
class Test
static double Square(double x) {
return x * x;
static double[] Apply(double[] a, Function f) {
double[] result = new double[a.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) result[i] = f(a[i]);
return result;
static void Main() {
double[] a = {0.0, 0.5, 1.0};
double[] squares = Apply(a, Square);
double[] sines = Apply(a, Math.Sin);
Multiplier m = new Multiplier(2.0);
double[] doubles = Apply(a, m.Multiply);
An instance of the Function delegate type can reference any method that takes a double argument and returns
a double value. The Apply method applies a given Function to the elements of a double[], returning a double[]
with the results. In the Main method, Apply is used to apply three different functions to a double[].

A delegate can reference either a static method (such as Square or Math.Sin in the previous example) or an instance method (such as m.Multiply in the previous example). A delegate that references an instance method also references a particular object, and when the instance method is invoked through the delegate, that object becomes this in the invocation.Delegates can also be created using anonymous functions,which are “inline methods” that are created on the fly. Anonymous functions can see the local variables
of the sourrounding methods. Thus, the multiplier example above can be written more easily without using a Multiplier class:
double[] doubles = Apply(a, (double x) => x * 2.0);
An interesting and useful property of a delegate is that it does not know or care about the class
of the method it references; all that matters is that the referenced method has the same parameters and
return type as the delegate.

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