Showing posts with label Html.TextBox vs Html.TextBoxFor in MVC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Html.TextBox vs Html.TextBoxFor in MVC. Show all posts

12 August 2013

Html.TextBox vs Html.TextBoxFor in MVC

Html.TextBox vs Html.TextBoxFor in MVC

Html.TextBox and Html.DropDownList are not strongly typed and hence they doen't require a
strongly typed view. This means that we can hardcore whatever name we want.

On the other hand, Html.TextFor and Html.DropDownListFor are strongly typed and requires
a strongly typed view, and the name is inferred from the Lambda expression.

Whether we use Html.TextBox and Html.DropDownlist or Html.TextBoxFor and Html.DropDownListFor,
the end result is the same. they produce the same Html.

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