Showing posts with label SonarCube in azure devops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SonarCube in azure devops. Show all posts

17 October 2023

SonarCube in azure devops

 SonarCube in azure devops

Integrating SonarQube with Azure DevOps (formerly known as Visual Studio Team Services or VSTS) allows you to perform continuous code analysis and code quality checks as part of your CI/CD pipelines. Here's how you can set up SonarQube in Azure DevOps:


1. SonarQube Server: You need a running instance of SonarQube. You can host SonarQube on your own server or use a cloud-based SonarCloud service.

2. SonarQube Scanner:Install the SonarQube Scanner on your build server or agent machine. The scanner is a command-line tool used to analyze projects and send the results to SonarQube.

### Steps to Integrate SonarQube with Azure DevOps:

1. Configure SonarQube Server:

   - Set up your SonarQube server and configure the quality profiles, rules, and other settings according to your project requirements.

2. Configure SonarQube in Azure DevOps:

   - In Azure DevOps, navigate to your project and go to the "Project Settings" > "Service connections" > "New service connection."

   - Select "SonarQube" and provide the SonarQube server URL and authentication details.

3. Add SonarQube Scanner Task to Pipeline:

   - In your Azure DevOps build or release pipeline, add the "SonarQubePrepare" and "SonarQubeAnalyze" tasks before your build tasks.

   - Configure the tasks with the appropriate SonarQube project key, project name, and other required parameters.

   Example YAML configuration:



   - task: SonarQubePrepare@4


       SonarQube: 'SonarQubeServiceConnection' # The name of the SonarQube service connection

       scannerMode: 'MSBuild'

       projectKey: 'YourProjectKey'

       projectName: 'YourProjectName'

       extraProperties: |

         sonar.exclusions=**/*.css, **/*.html  # Exclude specific file types from analysis


   - script: 'MSBuild.exe MySolution.sln'

     displayName: 'Build Solution'


   - task: SonarQubeAnalyze@4


4. Run Your Pipeline:

   - Queue your Azure DevOps pipeline. SonarQube tasks will run, and the analysis results will be sent to your SonarQube server.

5. View SonarQube Analysis:

   - Visit your SonarQube server's web interface to view the analysis results, including code quality metrics, issues, and other insights.

By integrating SonarQube with Azure DevOps pipelines, you can enforce code quality standards, identify and fix issues early in the development process, and maintain high-quality code in your projects. Remember to customize SonarQube rules and quality profiles to match your team's coding standards and best practices.

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