29 May 2012

Use Application Wrapper Class To Access Web.Config Values

Use Application Wrapper Class To Access Web.Config Values

Make sure you have a Reference to the System.Configuration.DLL

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Configuration;using System.Web;

public static class ApplicationWrapper{    #region public members
public static string DBConnection
get { return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBConnection"].ConnectionString; }
public static int MaxLoginAttempts
get { return int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MaxLoginAttempts"]); }
public static string Company
get { return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Company"]; }

26 May 2012

SQL Server Where 1=0

SQL Server Where 1=0

Used in both static and dynamic query.

WHERE 1 = 0 (or any always false condition) 

It is used to create a table of identical structure, sans data: In the below query empty table is created in the same structure.
SELECT * INTO dbo.NewTable FROM dbo.SomeTable WHERE 0 = 1;

SQL Server Where 1=1

SQL Server Where 1=1

where 1=1 condition are most probably used in dynamic query in Sql Server.

where 1=1 equal to no where condition [i.e] always return the true value.

While building dynamic query some times there is no need of where condition, To handle this kind of situation this condition SQL Server Where 1=1 is used.

SET @SelectStatement = 'SELECT SomeData FROM dbo.SomeTable WHERE 1  = 1';
IF @Column1 IS NOT NULL SET @SelectStatement = @SelectStatement + ' AND Column1 = @Column1';
IF @Column2 IS NOT NULL SET @SelectStatement = @SelectStatement + ' AND Column2 = @Column2';

WHILE in Sqlserver

WHILE in Sqlserver

Sets a condition for the repeated execution of an SQL statement or statement block. The statements are executed repeatedly as long as the specified condition is true. The execution of statements in the WHILE loop can be controlled from inside the loop with the BREAK and CONTINUE keywords.

WHILE (SELECT AVG(ListPrice) FROM Production.Product) < $300
   UPDATE Production.Product
      SET ListPrice = ListPrice * 2
   SELECT MAX(ListPrice) FROM Production.Product
   IF (SELECT MAX(ListPrice) FROM Production.Product) > $500

PIVOT and UNPIVOT Query in Sql Server

PIVOT and UNPIVOT Query in Sql Server

PIVOT rotates a table-valued expression by turning the unique values from one column in the expression into multiple columns in the output, and performs aggregations where they are required on any remaining column values that are wanted in the final output.

UNPIVOT performs the opposite operation to PIVOT by rotating columns of a table-valued expression into column values.

Basic PIVOT Example

The following code example produces a two-column table that has four rows.
USE AdventureWorks2008R2 ;
SELECT DaysToManufacture, AVG(StandardCost) AS AverageCost 
FROM Production.Product
GROUP BY DaysToManufacture;

Here is the result set.
DaysToManufacture          AverageCost
0                          5.0885
1                          223.88
2                          359.10
The following code displays the same result, pivoted so that the DaysToManufacture values become the column headings. A column is provided for three [3] days, even though the results are NULL.
-- Pivot table with one row and five columns
SELECT 'AverageCost' AS Cost_Sorted_By_Production_Days, 
[0], [1], [2], [3], [4]
(SELECT DaysToManufacture, StandardCost 
    FROM Production.Product) AS SourceTable
FOR DaysToManufacture IN ([0], [1], [2], [3], [4])
) AS PivotTable;

Here is the result set.
Cost_Sorted_By_Production_Days    0         1         2           3       4       
AverageCost                       5.0885    223.88    359.1082    NULL    949.4105


23 May 2012

Endpoints: Addresses, Bindings, and Contracts in WCF

Endpoints: Addresses, Bindings, and Contracts in WCF

All communication with a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service occurs through the endpoints of the service. Endpoints provide clients access to the functionality offered by a WCF service.

Each endpoint consists of four properties:
  • An address that indicates where the endpoint can be found.
  • A binding that specifies how a client can communicate with the endpoint.
  • A contract that identifies the operations available.
  • A set of behaviors that specify local implementation details of the endpoint. 

The Structure of an Endpoint

Each endpoint consists of the following:
  • Address: The address uniquely identifies the endpoint and tells potential consumers of the service where it is located. It is represented in the WCF object model by theEndpointAddress class. An EndpointAddress class contains:

    • Uri property, which represents the address of the service.
    • An Identity property, which represents the security identity of the service and a collection of optional message headers. The optional message headers are used to provide additional and more detailed addressing information to identify or interact with the endpoint.
    For more information, see Specifying an Endpoint Address.
  • Binding: The binding specifies how to communicate with the endpoint. This includes:

    • The transport protocol to use (for example, TCP or HTTP).
    • The encoding to use for the messages (for example, text or binary).
    • The necessary security requirements (for example, SSL or SOAP message security).
    For more information, see Windows Communication Foundation Bindings Overview. A binding is represented in the WCF object model by the abstract base class Binding. For most scenarios, users can use one of the system-provided bindings. For more information, see System-Provided Bindings.
  • Contracts: The contract outlines what functionality the endpoint exposes to the client. A contract specifies:

    • What operations can be called by a client.
    • The form of the message.
    • The type of input parameters or data required to call the operation.
    • What type of processing or response message the client can expect.
    For more information about defining a contract, see Designing Service Contracts.
  • Behaviors: You can use endpoint behaviors to customize the local behavior of the service endpoint. Endpoint behaviors achieve this by participating in the process of building a WCF runtime. An example of an endpoint behavior is the ListenUri property, which allows you to specify a different listening address than the SOAP or Web Services Description Language (WSDL) address. For more information, see ClientViaBehavior.

17 May 2012

Calling Javascript from Server side of the code in Asp.net

Calling Javascript from Server side of the code in Asp.net


1. Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript( me.gettype(), "PopupScript", alertScript );

Asynchronous Postback:[If Ajax used in the page]

2. ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "YourUniqueScriptKey",
        "alert('This pops up');", true);

Type: System.Web.UI.Page
The page object that is registering the client script block.

Type: System.Type
The type of the client script block. This parameter is usually specified by using the typeof operator (C#) or the GetType operator (Visual Basic) to retrieve the type of the control that is registering the script.

Type: System.String
A unique identifier for the script block.

Type: System.String

The script.

Type: System.Boolean
true to enclose the script block with < scrip t> and < / script > tags; otherwise, false.

Implementing OAuth validation in a Web API

 I mplementing OAuth validation in a Web API Implementing OAuth validation in a Web API using C# typically involves several key steps to sec...