30 April 2024

Partitioning in SQL Server(Performance Improvement)

 Partitioning in SQL Server(Performance Improvement)

Used to divide large tables or indexes into smaller , more manageable pieces, yet treat them as single entity.

  1. Partition Function
  2. Partition Scheme
  3. Table and Index partitioning

Await example in C#

Await example in C# 

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

class Program {
 private static string result="test123";
 static void Main() {
 static async Task<string> SaySomething() {
   await Task.Delay(5);
   result = "Hello world!";
   return “Something”;


Hello world!

Middleware vs Filters

 Middleware vs Filters

Use Middleware When
      You need to handle every request or response in a consistent manner accross the application 

Use Filters When
      Suppose if you want to implement certain logic to particular API/Controller

C# Web API Flow

 C# Web API Flow

  1. Receive Request
  2. Middleware Pipeline(Authentication, authorization, Logging, Error handling, Routing)
  3. Routing
  4. Controller Activation
  5. Model Binding
  6. Action Filters
  7. Execute Actions
  8. Result Execution
  9. Response Sent
  10. Logging and Cleanup

OAuth and C# Integration

 OAuth and C# Integration

Authenticate users with Microsoft Accounts
  1. Register your application - Microsoft Identity Platform(Azure Active Directory)
  2. Install required Nuget packages.
    1. Microsoft.Identity.Client
  3. Configure OAuth Settings - including the ClientID, tenantId, Client Secret
  4. Implementing Authentication
  5. Handling Token acquistion - method AcquireTokenByAuthorization Code
  6. Refresh Token

Solid Principles - Project example

 Solid Principles - Project example

Single Responsibility Principle

your code should have only one job - Mail and SMS
Open/Closed Principle
We can override the class functionality, but not change the existing class. Abstract -> Overide. Example - Version Maintain

Liskov/Substitution Principle

Derived class must be substitutable for its base class.
Abstract Class -> Interface -> No Override method

Use Abstract class in interface and give more explanation

Interface Segregation Principle
clients should not be forced to implement interfaces they don't use. Instead of one fat interface, many small interfaces are preferred.

Dependency Inversion Principle

high-level modules/classes should not depend on low-level modules/classes. should depend upon abstractions.

Use dependency injection for injecting the dependency

25 October 2023

Consistency level in Azure cosmos db

 Consistency level in Azure cosmos db

Azure Cosmos DB offers five well-defined consistency levels to provide developers with the flexibility to choose the desired trade-off between consistency, availability, and latency for their applications. Here are the available consistency levels in Azure Cosmos DB:

 1. Strong Consistency:

   - Description: Guarantees linearizability, meaning that reads are guaranteed to return the most recent committed version of the data across all replicas. It ensures the highest consistency but might have higher latency and lower availability compared to other levels.

   - Use Case: Critical applications where strong consistency is required, such as financial or legal applications.

 2. Bounded staleness:

   - Description: Allows you to specify a maximum lag between reads and writes. You can set the maximum staleness in terms of time or number of versions (operations). This level provides a balance between consistency, availability, and latency.

   - Use Case: Scenarios where you can tolerate a slight delay in consistency, such as social media feeds or news applications.

 3. Session Consistency:

   - Description: Guarantees monotonic reads and writes within a single client session. Once a client reads a particular version of the data, it will never see a version of the data that's older than that in subsequent reads. This level provides consistency within a user session.

   - Use Case: User-specific data scenarios where consistency within a user session is important, like in online shopping carts.

 4. Consistent Prefix:

   - Description: Guarantees that reads never see out-of-order writes. Within a single partition key, reads are guaranteed to see writes in the order they were committed. This level provides consistency per partition key.

   - Use Case: Applications that require ordered operations within a partition key, such as time-series data or event logging.

 5. Eventual Consistency:

   - Description: Provides the weakest consistency level. Guarantees that, given enough time and lack of further updates, all replicas will converge to the same data. There is no strict guarantee about the order in which updates are applied to different replicas.

   - Use Case: Scenarios where eventual consistency is acceptable, such as content management systems or applications dealing with non-critical data.

6. Custom Consistency:

   - Description: Allows developers to define custom consistency levels based on specific requirements. This flexibility enables fine-tuning consistency for unique application needs.

   - Use Case: Applications with highly specific or unique consistency requirements not met by the predefined consistency levels.

When selecting a consistency level, it's essential to understand the requirements of your application, as well as the implications on latency, availability, and throughput. Each consistency level offers a different balance between these factors, allowing you to tailor the database behavior to match your application's needs.

Implementing OAuth validation in a Web API

 I mplementing OAuth validation in a Web API Implementing OAuth validation in a Web API using C# typically involves several key steps to sec...