15 October 2023

Throttling and Rate Limiting

Throttling and Rate Limiting 

 **Throttling** and **Rate Limiting** (or **Limit Checks**) are both techniques used in APIs and web services to control the amount of incoming traffic and prevent overload. Although they serve a similar purpose, they are different concepts:

### Throttling:

**Throttling** is a broader term that encompasses various techniques for controlling the rate of traffic flow, including rate limiting. Throttling can be applied not only to limit the number of requests but also to manage other resources such as bandwidth, CPU usage, or memory consumption. Throttling is often used in scenarios where the server or service needs to maintain a specific quality of service by preventing overuse of resources. It can be dynamic and change based on the server load or other conditions.

**Examples of Throttling:**

- **Request Rate Throttling:** Limiting the number of API requests per minute.

- **Bandwidth Throttling:** Limiting the amount of data that can be transferred per second.

- **CPU Throttling:** Limiting the CPU usage of a process or application.

### Rate Limiting (or Limit Checks):

**Rate Limiting**, or **Limit Checks**, is a specific form of throttling that restricts the number of requests a client can make to an API within a specific timeframe. It's a way to prevent abuse, protect the server from being overwhelmed, and ensure fair usage among consumers. Rate limits are often static and do not change dynamically based on server load; they are typically set as a fixed number of requests per second, minute, or hour.

**Examples of Rate Limiting:**

- **10,000 requests per hour per API key.**

- **100 requests per minute per user.**

- **1 request per second per IP address.**

In summary, throttling is a broader concept that encompasses various techniques for controlling resource usage, while rate limiting (or limit checks) specifically refers to restricting the number of requests made to an API within a specified timeframe. Rate limiting is a form of throttling used to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage of services. Throttling can include rate limiting but can also involve controlling other resources such as bandwidth, CPU, or memory.

how to check performance issue in azure function

How to check performance issue in azure function

Checking performance issues in Azure Functions involves analyzing various aspects of your functions, including execution time, resource utilization, and external dependencies. Here are several techniques and tools you can use to identify and resolve performance problems in Azure Functions:

### 1. **Azure Monitor:**

   - **Metrics:** Utilize Azure Monitor to collect metrics like request count, average response time, and failure rate. Set up alerts based on these metrics to be notified of performance issues.

   - **Logs:** Enable Application Insights for detailed logging. Analyze logs to identify slow-performing functions and potential bottlenecks.

### 2. **Application Insights:**

   - **Performance Profiling:** Application Insights provides performance profiling features. Use it to identify slow functions and investigate which part of the code takes the most time.

   - **Dependency Tracking:** Monitor external dependencies like databases and APIs. Application Insights can track dependencies and provide performance data for each.

### 3. **Profiling Tools:**

   - **Application Insights Profiler:** Application Insights includes a profiler that can be used to identify performance bottlenecks in your functions.

   - **Azure Application Insights Profiler (Preview):** Azure Functions Premium Plan offers a built-in profiler that helps identify performance bottlenecks. You can enable it in the Azure portal under "Platform Features" -> "Profiling".

### 4. **Kusto Query Language (KQL):**

   - **Analytics:** Use Kusto Query Language in Application Insights to write custom queries and analyze performance data in a detailed manner.

### 5. **Azure Application Insights Profiler:**

   - **Azure Application Insights Profiler (Preview):** This tool allows you to get detailed performance traces for functions running in production. It provides insights into method-level performance and helps identify bottlenecks.

### 6. **Azure Functions Diagnostics:**

   - **Diagnostic Tools:** Azure Functions provides diagnostic tools in the Azure portal. You can enable and configure diagnostic settings to collect detailed information about function executions.

### 7. **Load Testing:**

   - **Load Testing Tools:** Use load testing tools like Apache JMeter or Azure DevOps to simulate heavy loads and analyze how your functions perform under stress.

### 8. **Code Profiling:**

   - **Code Profilers:** Use code profiling tools to identify performance bottlenecks within your function code. Tools like dotTrace, ANTS Performance Profiler, or Visual Studio Profiler can be valuable.

### 9. **Optimizing Code:**

   - **Code Review:** Perform code reviews to identify areas where code can be optimized.

   - **Async Programming:** Use async/await to make I/O-bound operations asynchronous, allowing functions to handle more requests simultaneously.

   - **Connection Management:** Reuse and manage external connections efficiently, especially with databases and storage services.

By employing these techniques and tools, you can effectively identify and resolve performance issues in your Azure Functions, ensuring optimal performance and responsiveness for your applications.

Durable Functions

 Durable Functions 

 Durable Functions is an extension of Azure Functions that allows you to write stateful functions in a serverless environment. It enables you to write workflows that can reliably orchestrate multiple functions and manage their state over time. Below is an example of a simple Durable Function in C#.

Firstly, you'll need to install the Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.DurableTask NuGet package.

### Example: Chaining Functions in a Durable Workflow

Let's create a durable function that calculates the factorial of a number. This example will use function chaining, where one function's output becomes another function's input.


using System.Threading.Tasks;

using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;

using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Http;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;

using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

public static class FactorialCalculator



    public static async Task RunOrchestrator(

        [OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext context, 

        ILogger log)


        var input = context.GetInput<int>();

        // Replace "hello" with the name of your Durable Activity Function.

        return await context.CallActivityAsync<int>("FactorialActivity", input);



    public static int RunActivity([ActivityTrigger] int number, ILogger log)


        int result = 1;

        for (int i = 1; i <= number; i++)


            result *= i;


        return result;



    public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> HttpStart(

        [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post")] HttpRequest req,

        [DurableClient] IDurableOrchestrationClient starter,

        ILogger log)


        // Retrieve the number from the query string

        int.TryParse(req.Query["number"], out int number);

        // Function input comes from the request content.

        string instanceId = await starter.StartNewAsync("FactorialOrchestrator", null, number);

        log.LogInformation($"Started orchestration with ID = '{instanceId}'.");

        return starter.CreateCheckStatusResponse(req, instanceId);




In this example:

- `FactorialOrchestrator` is the orchestrator function that defines the workflow. It takes an integer input, calls the `FactorialActivity` function, and returns the result.  

- `FactorialActivity` is the activity function that calculates the factorial of the input number.  

- `HttpStart` is an HTTP-triggered function that starts the orchestrator. You can initiate the orchestration by making an HTTP request to this function and passing the `number` parameter in the query string.

To run this example, you need to create an Azure Functions application, configure Durable Functions, and deploy the code to Azure. Then, you can trigger the workflow by making an HTTP request to the `HttpStart` endpoint with the `number` parameter specifying the input number for which you want to calculate the factorial.

Web API vs WCF

 Web API vs WCF

Both ASP.NET Web API and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) are technologies provided by Microsoft for building web services and APIs, but they have different use cases and characteristics. Here's a comparison between ASP.NET Web API and WCF:

### ASP.NET Web API:

- **HTTP-Centric:** ASP.NET Web API is specifically designed for building HTTP-based services. It's ideal for RESTful APIs that communicate over HTTP.  

- **Simplicity and Flexibility:** Web API is lightweight and focuses on simplicity and ease of use. It's well-suited for building APIs that serve clients such as web browsers, mobile devices, and JavaScript frameworks.

- **Content Negotiation:** Web API includes built-in content negotiation, allowing clients to request data in different formats (JSON, XML, etc.) based on their preferences.

- **Routing and Attribute-Based Routing:** Web API allows developers to define API routes using conventions and attributes, making it easy to set up the API endpoints.

- **Integration with ASP.NET Core:** Web API is part of the ASP.NET Core framework, making it a suitable choice for new projects built on the latest Microsoft technologies.

- **Statelessness:** Web API follows the stateless nature of HTTP, making it suitable for scalable and stateless architectures.

### Windows Communication Foundation (WCF):

- **Protocol Agnostic:** WCF is designed to be protocol agnostic, which means it can communicate over various protocols such as HTTP, TCP, MSMQ, and more. It's suitable for building services that require different communication protocols.

- **Complexity and Configuration:** WCF is more complex and configurable compared to Web API. It offers extensive options for security, transactions, and message patterns, making it suitable for enterprise-level applications with complex requirements.

- **SOAP and REST Support:** WCF supports both SOAP-based services (using WS-* standards) and RESTful services. Developers can choose the appropriate communication style based on their needs.

- **Interoperability:** WCF services can interoperate with other platforms and technologies because of its support for WS-* standards. It's often used in enterprise scenarios where interoperability with non-.NET systems is required.

- **Legacy Technology:** WCF has been around for a long time and is well-suited for maintaining and evolving existing applications and services.

**Choosing Between Web API and WCF:**

- **Use Web API if:**

  - You need to build RESTful APIs that communicate over HTTP.

  - Simplicity, ease of use, and content negotiation are essential.

  - You are building new applications on the latest Microsoft technologies.

- **Use WCF if:**

  - You require support for various communication protocols beyond HTTP.

  - You need to build SOAP-based services or require advanced features such as reliable messaging and transactions.

  - You are working in an enterprise environment with complex requirements and existing WCF services.

Ultimately, the choice between ASP.NET Web API and WCF depends on the specific requirements of your project, including the communication protocols, complexity, and interoperability needs.

Azure API Management (APIM) Uses

 Azure API Management (APIM) Uses 

Azure API Management (APIM) is a comprehensive solution for publishing, securing, analyzing, and monitoring APIs. It provides organizations with the tools to create consistent and modern API gateways for existing back-end services and applications. Here are some common uses and benefits of Azure API Management:

### 1. **API Gateway:**

   - **Aggregation:** APIM can aggregate multiple APIs and present them as a single API, simplifying the client-side experience.

   - **Routing and Load Balancing:** APIM can route requests to appropriate back-end services based on defined policies and distribute traffic across multiple instances for load balancing.

### 2. **Security and Access Control:**

   - **Authentication and Authorization:** APIM allows you to secure APIs with various authentication methods, such as API keys, OAuth 2.0, and JWT. It also provides policies to enforce fine-grained access control and rate limiting.

   - **Throttling:** APIM can limit the number of requests a user or application can make within a specific time period, preventing abuse and ensuring fair usage.

### 3. **Transformation and Enrichment:**

   - **Request/Response Transformation:** APIM can transform requests and responses between different data formats (e.g., JSON to XML) or enrich them with additional data before they reach the back-end services or clients.

   - **Caching:** APIM can cache responses from back-end services, reducing the load on those services and improving API performance.

### 4. **Analytics and Monitoring:**

   - **Usage Analytics:** APIM provides detailed analytics on API usage, helping organizations understand how APIs are being used and identify trends.

   - **Error Tracking:** APIM logs errors and issues encountered during API requests, making it easier to identify and troubleshoot problems.

### 5. **Developer Collaboration:**

   - **Developer Portal:** APIM offers a developer portal where developers can discover APIs, read documentation, request access, and obtain API keys.

   - **API Documentation:** APIM allows you to create interactive and user-friendly API documentation, making it easier for developers to understand and use the APIs.

### 6. **Monetization:**

   - **API Monetization:** APIM enables organizations to monetize their APIs by setting up various pricing plans, subscriptions, and payment gateways. This is particularly useful for businesses offering API services to external developers.

### 7. **Versioning and Lifecycle Management:**

   - **API Versioning:** APIM supports versioning of APIs, allowing organizations to roll out new versions without disrupting existing users.

   - **Lifecycle Management:** APIM provides tools to manage the lifecycle of APIs, from design and development to deployment and retirement.

### 8. **Integration and Extensibility:**

   - **Integration:** APIM integrates with various Azure services, allowing you to leverage features like Azure Functions, Logic Apps, and Application Insights.

   - **Extensibility:** APIM can be extended using policies and custom code, enabling organizations to implement specific behaviors and validations tailored to their needs.

By utilizing Azure API Management, organizations can streamline their API ecosystem, enhance security, improve developer experiences, and gain valuable insights into API usage patterns.

ConfigureAwait true and false in C# with Example

ConfigureAwait true and false in C# with Example

In C#, the `ConfigureAwait` method is used in asynchronous programming to specify whether to marshal the continuation back to the original context captured at the point of the `await` operation. It affects how the code after the `await` keyword runs in terms of synchronization context. Here are the differences between `ConfigureAwait(true)` and `ConfigureAwait(false)`:

### `ConfigureAwait(true)`:


await SomeTask().ConfigureAwait(true);


When you use `ConfigureAwait(true)`, it means that after the asynchronous operation is complete, the continuation (the code after the `await` keyword) will run in the original context captured at the point of the `await`. For example, if the `await` is inside a UI event handler, the continuation will run on the UI thread. If the `await` is in an ASP.NET request context, the continuation will be on the ASP.NET request context.

#### Example using `ConfigureAwait(true)`:


async Task<string> GetDataAsync()


    // Some asynchronous operation

    await Task.Delay(1000).ConfigureAwait(true);

    // Code after await runs in the original context (e.g., UI thread or ASP.NET request context).

    return "Data loaded successfully.";



### `ConfigureAwait(false)`:


await SomeTask().ConfigureAwait(false);


When you use `ConfigureAwait(false)`, it means that after the asynchronous operation is complete, the continuation will not marshal back to the original context. Instead, it will run on a thread pool thread. This can be beneficial in situations where you want to avoid deadlocks, especially in UI applications, ASP.NET, or any context where you want to release the captured synchronization context.

#### Example using `ConfigureAwait(false)`:


async Task<string> GetDataAsync()


    // Some asynchronous operation

    await Task.Delay(1000).ConfigureAwait(false);

    // Code after await runs on a thread pool thread.

    return "Data loaded successfully.";



In this example, the `ConfigureAwait(false)` is used to avoid potential deadlocks that might occur if the synchronization context is captured and the continuation tries to marshal back to it.

Choosing between `ConfigureAwait(true)` and `ConfigureAwait(false)` depends on the specific context of your application. Use `ConfigureAwait(true)` when you need to continue on the original context (e.g., UI thread). Use `ConfigureAwait(false)` when you want to avoid deadlocks or when the context is not important for the continuation code.

Interface a and b having same method, how you called the method in C#

 Interface a and b having same method, how you called the method in C#

In C#, if two interfaces `A` and `B` have a method with the same signature, and a class implements both interfaces, the class must provide an implementation of the common method. Here's an example demonstrating this scenario:


using System;

// Interface A

interface A


    void CommonMethod();


// Interface B

interface B


    void CommonMethod();


// Class implementing both interfaces

class MyClass : A, B


    // Explicit implementation of the CommonMethod from interface A

    void A.CommonMethod()


        Console.WriteLine("Implementation of CommonMethod from interface A");


    // Explicit implementation of the CommonMethod from interface B

    void B.CommonMethod()


        Console.WriteLine("Implementation of CommonMethod from interface B");



class Program


    static void Main(string[] args)


        MyClass myClass = new MyClass();


        // Calling the CommonMethod through interface A



        // Calling the CommonMethod through interface B







In the above example, the `MyClass` class implements both interfaces `A` and `B`. To differentiate between the implementations of the `CommonMethod` from both interfaces, you can use explicit interface implementation syntax.

When you call the `CommonMethod` through interface `A`, you need to cast the object to interface `A`, and similarly, when you call it through interface `B`, you cast the object to interface `B`. This way, you can provide separate implementations for the same method signature in different interfaces.

Implementing OAuth validation in a Web API

 I mplementing OAuth validation in a Web API Implementing OAuth validation in a Web API using C# typically involves several key steps to sec...