30 December 2011

Calculate Time Difference Between DateTime Objects

Calculate Time Difference Between DateTime Objects

To get time difference you need to use TimeSpan object, with code like this:
TimeSpan ts = DateTime1 - DateTime2;
For example, if you want to calculate time difference between server time and UTC time:
[ C# ]
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Declare and get DateTime values
    DateTime StartDate = System.DateTime.Now;
    DateTime EndDate = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
    // Find time difference between two dates
    TimeSpan TimeDifference = StartDate - EndDate;
    // Write difference in hours and minutes
    Response.Write("Time difference between server time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is " + 
        TimeDifference.Hours.ToString() + " hours ");
    if (TimeDifference.Minutes != 0)
        Response.Write(" and " + TimeDifference.Minutes.ToString() + " minutes.");


  1. Dada, Suppose that I have two datetime object both are getting used to hold dates. Now if I subtract the two object in this way will I get the resultant year/month/days ?

  2. No,its not possible. you have to add seconds or minutes with datetime to achieve this.


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