21 April 2019

ReSharper tools in dotnet

ReSharper tools in dotnet

ReSharper is a popular developer productivity extension for Microsoft Visual Studio. It automates most of what can be automated in your coding routines. It finds compiler errors, runtime errors, redundancies, and code smellsright as you type, suggesting intelligent corrections for them.
ReSharper helps you explore code by visualizing the structure of files, type and style hierarchies, call and value chains, project dependencies. It allows you to instantly traverse your entire solution and jump right to the exact file and line that you are looking for, decompiling library code if necessary.
Dozens of solution-wide refactorings are available to help you safely change your code base. Code formatting and cleanup features allow you to get rid of unused code and help your entire team to ensure compliance to coding standards.

Why ReSharper

With unparalleled support for C#, VB.NET, XAML, JavaScript, TypeScript, XML, HTML, CSS, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, NAnt and MSBuild scripts including comprehensive cross-language functionality, ReSharper will help any Visual Studio user write better code, easily examine and refactor existing code bases.
You can spend less time on routine, repetitive manual work and instead focus on the task at hand. A robust set of features for automatic error-checking and code correction cuts development time and increases your efficiency. You'll find that ReSharper quickly pays back its cost in increased developer productivity and improved code quality. With ReSharper, .NET developers can truly experience what we mean when we say "Develop with pleasure!"

download path for ReSharper

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