28 November 2012

Get only Date in Sql Server

Get only Date in Sql Server

convert(VARCHAR(10), Fieldname, 101) AS [Field Name]

26 November 2012

royalarun.blogspot.com menu

C# and VB.Net :

What is Dotnet Framework?

Root namespace in dotnet framework

What is Webservice in asp.net

Base class for all classes in Dotnet framework

Asp.net Page Life cycle Overview?

Server.Transfer vs Response.Redirect

Change File creation date and time Conversion in C#

Bucket Problem in C# windows application

Session state mode in asp.net

Update Datatable in C#

Common myths in Asp.net

Windows Communication Foundation Overview

WCF and Webservices

Synclock and Lock in C#

Lamda Expression in C#

Anonymous type in C#

Extension Method in C#

String vs string in C#

Use of Using statement in C#

CalendarExtender show only years asp.net ajax control

Check Connection string is valid or not in C#

Event viewer read , write and Clear in C#

Application path in windows application in C#

Asp.net Path details - Absolute path and Relative path

Use Application Wrapper Class To Access Web.Config Values

Web application vs Web Service

End Point, Address Binding in WCF

Calling Javascript from server side in asp.net

C# and VB.net Connectivity with Query string

Debug the Windows server in Setup

C# and Vb.net Connectivity using Stored Procedure

Generics in Dotnet

Boxing and Unboxing in Dotnet

Response.redirect true vs False

Asp.net Impersonation

HTTP Status Code

Session state mode in Asp.net

Client side state management in asp.net

Page life cycle event in asp.net

Web application vs Website in Asp.net

Cloud Computing Definition

View State vs Hidden Fields in asp.net

Adding datarelation in Datatable in C#

Click the button when enter button is pressed in asp.net

Naming Convention in Asp.net

Export datatable in C# Windows application

Calculate time Difference between two dates in Asp.net

Webfarm in asp.net

Webgarden in Asp.net

When to use Generic Collection

String is Immutable in C# and Java, Use of String builder in C#

SqlBulk Copy in C#

SqlHelper Class file from Microsoft in C#

Hash table in C#

Get Multiple Value from CheckedListbox control in C#

List in C#

Session vs Caching in asp.net

Refer one asp.net page to another asp.net page

Http modules in asp.net

Http Handlers in asp.net

Get the Function name,Line number,Columnnumber of the Error in C#

What is Reflection and example

Choose the right Generic collection type in Dotnet framework

Difference between Assembly and Namespace in dotnet framework

Partial Class in C#

Why use Collections in Dotnet Framework

Move next line in multiline textbox in C#

Problem:Combobox Editable in C# Windows application and Asp.net
Partial Class in C#

Linq and XML in C#

Connection string for C# and Vb.net

Difference between typed dataset and untyped dataset in .Net framework

What are the basic differences between user controls and custom controls?



Advantages Of Visual Studio 2008

Option Explicit statement and Option Strict Statement

Difference Between Int32.Parse(), Convert.ToInt32(), and Int32.TryParse()

E-mail Validation Using REGEX



Configuration system fail to initialize in C# windows application

Single Click Selection - CheckListbox Change Property Double click to Single Click C# and VB.NET

Disable remember password option in Firefox/Internet Explorer In Code

How to Overcome multiline textbox [draggable] for mozilla firefox and Chrome Browser in asp.net

WCF vs Webservice in asp.net


Single responsibility principle in OOPS

When to use Structure?

When to use Delegates instead of Interface?

When to Use Inheritance?

Stack and Queue real time example

Composition vs Inheritance in OOPS

When to Use Abstract class

When to use Interface ?

Interface vs Abstract Class

Single ton Class with example in C#

Meaning For Dotnet First line of Code

Difference Between ASP.NET Server Controls,HTML Server Controls and HTML Intrinsic Controls


What is Mobile apps?

Difference between Sleep and Hibernate in Laptop

Cloud computing - Overview

Alternate tag for Html tag, while posting in blog

To reset IIS

Redbus Success Story

Difference between 32 bit and 64 bit Processor

Run Commands that can be used in both “Windows Operating System

Difference Style of Communication

Assertive Communication

Link with in the page in HTML

Sql Server Queries

50 new features in Sql Sever 2008

Sql Server Tips and Guidelines

SSMS Tool Pack Free Download

Sql Group by Function with Example

Normalization types with example

View in Sql Server with Example

Get all the table name in Database Sql Server

Delete all Stored Procedure in Sql Server

Varchar vs nVarchar in Sql Server

Sql Server Having Clause

Copy one table to another in Sql Server

Stored Procedure that change in Last n days

Stored Procedure that create in n days in Sql Server

Show the Stored Procedure Permission details in Sqlserver

Query to Find Seed Values, Increment Values and Current Identity Column value of a table in Sqlserver

Delete Column in Sql Server tables

Script for renaming object in Sql Server

Script for renaming table Column in Sql Server

Select and Case statement in Sql Server

Sql Server where 1=0

Sql Server where 1=1

While loop in Sql Server

Pivot and Unpivot Query in Sql Server

Display list of stored procedure using particular text in Sql Server

Find the text in Stored Procedure in Sql Server

Sql injection in Sql Server

Hierarchy ID in Sql Server

Try Catch in Sql Server

Wait for in Sql Server 2008

Trigger overview in Asp.net

Difference between Primary key and Unique Key

Different types of Database keys

Difference between sp_executesql and EXEC() in Sql Server
Microsoft SQL Server Constrains

Uses of SET XACT_ABORT in Sql Server

Dynamic Store Procedure in Sql Server

Check String is null or empty in Sql Server

Empty all table values in Sql Server

Difference between Temporary table and Global Temporary table

Trigger in Sql Server and types

Difference between Oracle and Sql Server

Difference between const and static readonly keywords C#


Introduction to Merge Statement – One Statement for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE

Insert Multiple Rows in a single statement in Sql Server 2008



Difference between Stored procedure vs User Functions in Sql server

Difference Between SCOPE_IDENTITY and ROWCOUNT in sql server

Convert String to Datetime in Sql Server

To Find Highest Salary, nth Highest Salary, Lowest Salary, nth Lowest Salary

Coding to get nth record in sql server

Trigger example in Sql Server

PRIMARY KEY Constraints Primary key and Composite Primary key

Get only Date in Sql Server

20 November 2012

Update Datatable in C#

// Update Datatable in C#

//Two methods to Update Datatable in C#

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;

namespace DataTableUpdation
    public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                //Add Datacolumn
                DataColumn workCol = dt.Columns.Add("FirstName", typeof(String));

                dt.Columns.Add("LastName", typeof(String));
                dt.Columns.Add("Blog", typeof(String));
                dt.Columns.Add("City", typeof(String));
                dt.Columns.Add("Country", typeof(String));

                //Add in the datarow
                DataRow newRow = dt.NewRow();

                newRow["firstname"] = "Arun";
                newRow["lastname"] = "Prakash";
                newRow["Blog"] = "http://royalarun.blogspot.com/";
                newRow["city"] = "Coimbatore";
                newRow["country"] = "India";



              // 1st method
                // Get all DataRows where the name is the name you want.
                IEnumerable< DataRow > rows = dt.Rows.Cast< DataRow >().Where( r => r["firstname"].ToString() == "Arun");
                // Loop through the rows and change the name.
                rows.ToList().ForEach(r => r.SetField("firstname", "AnotherName"));

                // 2nd method
                // Alternative approach.
                // Simply loop through the rows, check the value of the Name field and change its value accordingly.
                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    if (row["firstname"].ToString() == "AnotherName")
                        row.SetField("firstname", "Arun");

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;



11 October 2012

Common myths in Asp.net

Common myths in Asp.net :

C# code is faster than Visual Basic code:

·         if good programming practices are followed, there is no reason why Visual Basic and C# code cannot execute with nearly identical performance. To put it more succinctly, similar code produces similar results.

Codebehind is faster than inline :
·         It doesn't matter where your code for your ASP.NET application lives, whether in a codebehind file or inline with the ASP.NET page.

Components are faster than pages:
·         It is better to group functionality logically this way, but again it makes no difference with regard to performance.

For Each is better performance than For loop:
Really for loop has  better performance than Foreach statement

2 October 2012

Windows Communication Foundation - Overview

Windows Communication Foundation - Overview
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a framework for building and running service-oriented applications. WCF unifies and extends the functionality of existing Microsoft connecting technologies, providing a single programming model independent of underlying communications protocols. WCF applications can interoperate with other technologies using open standards and protocols. 
Characteristics and Benefits
Windows Communication Foundation delivers the following primary benefits: service-oriented architecture (SOA) support, flexible support for messaging models, a unified programming model, protocol neutrality, increased reliability, standards-based interoperability, integrated security and messaging services, and a flexible architecture designed for extensibility.

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Windows Communication Foundation is based on the principles of service-oriented architecture and programming. Service-orientation is an important complement to object-orientation that applies the lessons learned from component software, message-oriented middleware, and distributed object computing. Whereas object-oriented development focuses on applications that are built from interdependent classes, service-oriented development focuses on systems that are built from a set of autonomous services. The internal implementation of each service could be object-oriented.
Client and server applications built with WCF are composed of .NET Framework 3.0-supplied and developer-created classes. For very complex applications, an intermediate level of organization, called component architecture may also be applied, as depicted for a service in the following diagram:
A set of deployed, interacting services is called a system. SOA interactions are loosely-coupled because all communication is based upon published contracts and policies, standardized protocols, and schematized information. Contracts describe published interfaces, their operations, and the corresponding messages.

Unified Programming Model

Windows Communication Foundation represents the next generation connecting technology that combines and extends the best attributes of existing connecting technologies to deliver a unified development and runtime experience. It provides a single API and a consistent, straightforward programming model that supersedes the following technologies:
  • DCOM and .NET Remoting support for efficient Remote Procedure Call (RPC) functionality.
  • ASP.NET Web Services (ASMX) support for easily configurable, interoperable Web Services.
  • .NET Framework Enterprise Services support for synchronization, distributed transactions, basic security, and distributed COM+ services.
  • Web Services Enhancements (WSE) support for open Web Service standards, collectively known as WS-* specifications. This includes security, reliable messaging, and distributed transactions specifications.
  • Queued messaging that is compatible with either MSMQ or the .NET Framework System.Messaging namespace technologies.

Flexible Support for Messaging Models

Classical Web services typically assume a request/reply message exchange pattern, where the client issues a request message and the service responds with a reply message. This pattern is particularly suited to HTTP because it is a stateless protocol with no delivery guarantees. In contrast, Windows Communication Foundation enables a wide variety of message topology solutions.
Two main communication state models are supported:
  • stateless model — messages are received with few or no guarantees. The stateless model is equivalent to most current-day Web services and is useful when broadcasting non-critical, one-way information.
  • stateful model — creates a communication session between two service objects. This model uses session state to enable Web services to provide advanced message functionality across the Internet, including callback methods, events, widely distributed transactions, and reliability and durability guarantees that enterprise applications require.
Three basic message-exchange patterns are supported:
  • Datagram — one-way invocation, no response.
  • Request/reply — one way invocation with response.
  • Duplex — two-way invocation.
    Request/reply and duplex messages can be invoked synchronously or asynchronously. Each node can act as a client, service, or both.
Windows Communication Foundation provides a variety of built-in transports and messaging protocols and supports custom transports and protocols. More complex messaging solutions (for example, publish-and-subscribe or peer-to-peer) can be built on top of these basic capabilities.

Protocol Neutrality and Flexibility

Windows Communication Foundation contains a set of predefined communication bindings (a binding is a set of communication characteristics including communication protocols) that will serve a wide range of common usage scenarios. However, the protocol-agnostic design of WCF supports flexibility in the following ways:
  • The messages exchanged between service and clients are defined in contracts that are independent of the protocols used to exchange those messages.
  • A single service can support multiple protocols simultaneously.
  • A pluggable communication infrastructure enables custom protocols to be defined and used in a straightforward manner.
Protocols can be selected through both imperative code and configuration files. Typically, the developer implements the logic of an application, including default protocols and minimum requirements, and the service administrator specifies configuration details at deployment, which often include the actual protocols used. These deployment-time policies do not require recoding or recompilation, enabling the administrator to tune the deployment of the service or client.


The reliability and robustness of solutions built with the Windows Communication Foundation is assured for a number of reasons, including:
  • SOA requires loosely-coupled, autonomous clients and services, which increases unit isolation; the loss or corruption of one service does not bring down the entire solution.
  • Message delivery can be assured at either the transport level or at the message level using the WS-Reliable Messaging protocol. This guarantees that messages are delivered in a consistent pattern (for example, in-order and delivered exactly once).
  • For more sophisticated requirements, queued messaging through MSMQ is supported.
  • Powerful mechanisms are available to handle critical failures; internal application exceptions and external message faults are handled in an elegant and consistent fashion.
  • Distributed transaction support increases the reliability of a solution by enforcing operation consistency and further decreasing process coupling.
  • Perhaps most importantly, WCF eliminates the need for each organization or project to develop their own messaging infrastructure, freeing them to concentrate on developing code in their area of expertise.


Windows Communication Foundation supports extensibility through the following features:
  • A thoroughly extensible object model, making it possible to customize the product to suit specific customer needs.
  • Composable protocol channels that allow combining or stacking existing protocols to satisfy scenario requirements.
  • An architecture designed to support pluggable extension classes so that the following areas can be customized: protocols, transports, behaviors, bindings, serializers, message inspectors, and validators. These types of extensions are beyond the scope of this document, but for more information, see "Extending Windows Communication Foundation" in the Windows SDK.
From a developer's perspective, these extensibility features are both straightforward and powerful to use.

Integration and Interoperability

The Windows Communication Foundation assures a high level of compatibility with other Web services and existing Microsoft messaging technologies. Interoperability is often a primary concern for large scale, organization-wide solutions (for example, Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and Business-to-Business Integration). Messaging interoperability issues fall into two categories:
  • With other messaging platforms, possibly residing on heterogeneous operating systems and programming languages
  • With other Microsoft services and messaging technologies
From a messaging perspective, WCF is designed to be platform-agnostic. Because it uses open WS-* standards to transport, format, and interpret messages, it can interoperate with any other messaging system that relies on these same standards. Specifically, WCF services will interoperate with any system that communicates using WS-I Basic Profile (BP)-compliant wire protocols. (The Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) is a consortium of leading Web service leaders whose mission is to develop and promote interoperable messaging standards.) For example, WCF interoperates with existing ASP.NET Web services (ASMX). WS-* standards for reliability, security, and transactions are also supported, which makes it interoperable with the Web Services Enhancements for .NET Framework (WSE) 3.0.
The following diagram depicts the Web services stack and lists the primary standards supported at each level.
Microsoft has also done significant work to assure compatibility of Windows Communication Foundation with existing Microsoft technologies for building distributed systems (for example, Enterprise Services, COM+ services, and Message Queuing). Applications built with these existing technologies can now easily expose functionality as Web services. Windows Communication Foundation can communicate with these applications using standard Web service's profiles. The migration of existing applications that use .NET Remoting, ASP.NET Web services, and .NET Framework Enterprise Services to natively use the Windows Communication Foundation is often straightforward and cost-efficient. More information on specific integration approaches will be published on MSDN online.
From a general application development standpoint, Windows Communication Foundation integrates seamlessly with other managed technologies, and through .NET interop, with unmanaged technologies.

Integrated Security and Messaging Services

Security is a prime consideration. Message identity, confidentiality, integrity, authentication, authorization, and auditing are provided through transport- or message-level security mechanisms.
Security Level
Point-to-point security that protects the entire message by encrypting the communication stream. Transport-level security schemes are widely deployed and usually more efficient than message-level security.
WS-Security family of specifications
End-to-end security where only message contents, or portions of them, are encrypted. Message-level security schemes are independent of transports and message-exchange patterns. Although they tend to be slower to process, they are much more flexible and extensible, and can use a variety of authentication schemes.
Windows Communication Foundation also provides a basic level of federation, in that a service can be configured to accept security credentials from multiple authorities, possibly using different identity and authorization schemes. Other areas of security (for example, authentication, non-repudiation, auditing, and resource protection) are provided by the .NET Framework or the Windows operating system.
In addition to basic delivery and security, a wide range of high-level message services are provided, including:
  • Metadata — WS-Policy, WS- Policy Attachments, and WS- Metadata Exchange protocols (in addition to WSDL used to describe Web services) are supported to dynamically convey service metadata.
  • Queued messaging — WCF delivers queued messaging functionality by using MSMQ as an underlying transport. Integration with an existing Message Queuing solution and the creation of a new asynchronous queue are both supported.
  • Transactions — WS-Atomic Transaction and WS-Coordination protocols are supported through the managedSystem.Transactions namespace. This service allows two or more nodes, possibly interoperating using WS-*protocols, to participate in a distributed transaction.
  • Content-based Routing — routing is enabled through support of the WS-Addressing protocol and custom WCF routers. Routing can be refined by filtering on content using the WCF filtering feature.

1 October 2012

Difference between WCF and Webservice in asp.net

Difference between WCF and Webservice in asp.net

-Webservices can be accessed only over HTTP and it works in stateless environment, WCF Service support  HTTP, TCP, IPC, and even Message Queues for communication.

- WCF is flexible because because its services can be hosted in different types of application like [IIS,WAS,Self-hosting and Managed Windows service]

- Webservices use XmlSerializer, But WCF uses DataContractSerializer, and it is good performance compare with XmlSerializer.

- DataContractSerializer can translate the HashTable into XML

- In webservice Only Public fields or Properties of .NET types can be translated into XML
- ASP.NET web services are compiled into a class library assembly and a service file with an extension   .asmx will have the code for the service.

-WCF Service can be hosted within IIS or WindowsActivationService.

-In ASP.NET Web services, unhandled exceptions are returned to the client as SOAP faults.
-In WCF Services, unhandled exceptions are not returned to clients as SOAP faults. To return SOAP faults    to clients, you can throw instances of the generic type, FaultException, using the data contract type as the    generic type.

-Web services provides only singlex communication,but WCF Supports shalf duplex and full duplex communication.

Half duplex

Half-duplex data transmission means that data can be transmitted in both directions on a signal carrier, but not at the same time.
half-duplex transmission implies a bidirectional line (one that can carry data in both directions).

They work in an stateless fashion over HTTP and are hosted inside a web server like IIS

Full duplex

Full-duplex data transmission means that data can be transmitted in both directions on a signal carrier at the same time.
Full-duplex transmission necessarily implies a bidirectional line (one that can move data in both directions).

WCF is a replacement for all earlier web service technologies from microsoft.

20 September 2012

What is Mobile app?

Mobile app

A mobile application (or mobile app) is a software application designed to run on smartphones, tablet computers and other mobile devices. They are available through application distribution platforms, which are typically operated by the owner of the mobile operating system, such as the Apple App Store, Google Play, Windows Phone Store and BlackBerry App World. Some apps are free, while others have a price. Usually, they are downloaded from the platform to a target device, such as an iPhone, BlackBerry, Android phone or Windows Phone, but sometimes they can be downloaded to less mobile computers, such as laptops or desktops.

Mobile apps were originally offered for general productivity and information retrieval, including email, calendar, contacts, and stock market and weather information. However, public demand and the availability of developer tools drove rapid expansion into other categories, such as mobile games, factory automation, GPS and location-based services, banking, order-tracking, and ticket purchases. The explosion in number and variety of apps made discovery a challenge, which in turn led to the creation of a wide range of review, recommendation, and curation sources, including blogs, magazines, and dedicated online app-discovery services.

Distribution as on 20-09-2012

Google Play
             -  application store for the Google Android operating system.With over 600,000 apps

BlackBerry App World
             -  Apps for the BlackBerry mobile devices . With over 99,500 apps
Nokia Store
             -  An app store for the Nokia phone.  With over 1,20,000 apps

Windows Phone Marketplace
              -  Windows Phone Marketplace is a service by Microsoft for its Windows Phone 7 platform. with over 1,00,000 apps
Apple App Store
                - The Apple App Store is a digital application distribution platform for iOS developed and maintained by Apple Inc. 7,25,700+ apps

Implementing OAuth validation in a Web API

 I mplementing OAuth validation in a Web API Implementing OAuth validation in a Web API using C# typically involves several key steps to sec...