27 January 2014

Why Select is DML statement in SQL?

Why Select is DML statement in SQL?

DML - Data Manipulation Language

The purely read-only SELECT query statement is classed with the 'SQL-data' statements 

The SELECT ... INTO form is considered to be DML because it manipulates (i.e. modifies) data.

SELECT Column1, Column2
INTO DestinationTable

FROM SourceTable

Copy Coumn1,Column2 From SourceTable to DestinationTable.

So Select is dml statement

Other DML Statement are
Insert, Update and Delete

19 January 2014

Session Add, Remove, Clear, RemoveAll and Abandon in ASP.NET

Session Add, Remove,  Clear, RemoveAll  and Abandon in ASP.NET

1. Session Add

To add in the Session
For ex

UserID is Session ID
1 is Session value

2. Session Remove

It removes the specific session’s specific key value i.e) It removes the SessionID UserID

3. Session Clear

It clears all session value i.e) It clears all the key value pairs stored in the session state collection.

4. Session RemoveAll

This Method calls above clear method in its implementation,
public sealed class HttpSessionState : ICollection, IEnumerable
   public void RemoveAll()

5. Session Abandon

Session.Abandon() destroy everything in the session. While logout you have to clear everything in session.

Handling Session in Common Class in ASP.NET WebForms or ASP.NET MVC

Handling Session in Common Class in ASP.NET WebForms or  ASP.NET MVC

using System;
using System.Web;
namespace WebApplication1
    public class SessionVariables

        ///  Store EmpID in Session
        public static Int64 EmpID
                return (Int64)HttpContext.Current.Session["EmpID"];

                HttpContext.Current.Session["EmpID"] = value;
        /// Store EmpName in Session
        public static string EmpName
                return (string)HttpContext.Current.Session["EmpName"];

                HttpContext.Current.Session["EmpName"] = value;


You can get or set the session variables in Webforms or MVC

using System;
using System.Web.UI;

namespace WebApplication1
    public partial class HandlingSession : Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SessionVariables.EmpID = 1;

            SessionVariables.EmpName = "ArunPrakash";

1. Reduces duplicate Session variables declaration
2. Type conversion is in common functions.

ActionResult in MVC 4

ActionResult in MVC 4

The ActionResult class is the base class for action results.

An action method responds to user input by performing work and returning an action result. An action result represents a command that the framework will perform on behalf of the action method.

The following types derive from ActionResult:

ContentResult - Represents a user-defined content type that is the result of an action method.

EmptyResult - Represents a result that does nothing, such as a controller action method that returns nothing.

FileResult - Represents a base class that is used to send binary file content to the response.

HttpUnauthorizedResult - Represents the result of an unauthorized HTTP request.

JavaScriptResult - Sends JavaScript content to the response.

JsonResult - Represents a class that is used to send JSON-formatted content to the response.

RedirectResult - Controls the processing of application actions by redirecting to a specified URI.

RedirectToRouteResult - Represents a result that performs a redirection by using the specified route values dictionary.

ViewResultBase - The ViewResultBase class is the abstract base class for both the ViewResult and PartialViewResult classes. The class contains methods for finding the view to be rendered and for executing the result. This class also contains properties that identify the view to be rendered, the name of the view, view data, temporary data, and a collection for view engines for the application.


9 January 2014

Set the selected item in an ASP.NET dropdown via the display text

Set the selected item in an ASP.NET dropdown via the display text

Method 1:
ddlItemdetails.Items.FindByText("Shirts").Selected = true;

Method 2:

ddlItemdetails.SelectedValue = ddItems.Items.FindByText("Shirts").Value;

29 December 2013

HttpRequest.UrlReferrer in C# - To get clients previous request that linked to the current URL

HttpRequest.UrlReferrer in C#

Gets information about the URL of the client's previous request that linked to the current URL.

public Uri UrlReferrer { get; }

Uri MyUrl = Request.UrlReferrer;
Response.Write("Referrer URL Port: " + Server.HtmlEncode(MyUrl.Port.ToString()) + "< br >");
Response.Write("Referrer URL Protocol: " + Server.HtmlEncode(MyUrl.Scheme) + "< br >");

25 December 2013



Marshalling (sometimes spelled marshaling) is the process of transforming the memory representation of an object to a data format suitable for storage or transmission, and it is typically used when data must be moved between different parts of a computer program or from one program to another.

Marshalling is similar to serialization and is used to communicate to remote objects with an object.

It simplifies complex communication, using custom/complex objects to communicate instead of primitives.
The opposite, or reverse, of marshalling is called unmarshalling.

Implementing OAuth validation in a Web API

 I mplementing OAuth validation in a Web API Implementing OAuth validation in a Web API using C# typically involves several key steps to sec...